I wish I could wear my favourite shirt again, but it lost all colour” — sounds familiar, right? We all have our beloved pieces of clothing that we’re so unwilling to get rid of as they don’t look as bright and fresh as before. When it seems like there is no hope to revive your faded clothes — BIORESTORE comes to the rescue.
In the world of countless laundry care products BIORESTORE proudly stands on its top. There are no analogues to BIORESTORE, and the reason lies in its thorough formula, aimed to bring your faded clothes back to colourful life. Although be careful: after using BIORESTORE your partner, friends and family will think it’s something new you’ve bought when they were’nt looking. So be ready to be bombarded with questions and admiring glances at the same time.
So, “What’s so special about it?” First, BIORESTORE is not just another detergent; it’s a Re-Tergent laundry powder that does its magic all by itself with the sciene that’s packed in to the powder. You won’t have to add other laundry products or detergents hoping for better results. BIORESTORE is a stand-alone solution that will take care of your faded cotton clothing in a 40° laundry wash. You’ll be astonished to see your garments becoming smooth and with a sense of luxury and brightness.
BIORESTORE is not picky: it loves to interact with all colours, but as every magician separates dark and light powers, you should separate your garments the same way, and is up for faded challenges, including different kinds of fabrics. BIORESTORE perfectly copes with 70%+ cotton textiles, Knits, Woven and Jersey fabrics. With enzymes to exfoliate the surface perfectly removing pillin, lint and bobbles, and at the same time revealing the true color tahst been hidden away. For your convenience and ease of use, BIORESTORE Re-Tergent powder comes pre-dosed in sachets for optimum performance and with a handy restoration guide book to explain things. It’s a mixture of magic and science, and it’s pretty cool, isn’t it?
Better than just restoring clothes BIORESTORE is a product whose fundamentals are built around safety and sustainability. As BIORESTORE acknowledge ‘’We’re proud to say that our product takes an innovative approach to sustainable fashion, which you could say is a new phase of slow fashion, and was recognized as a winner of the H&M Foundations - Global Change Award 2022. Our approach to restore clothes ensures their longevity, which reduces the consumption of resources and materials, whilst lowering CO2 emissions of a garment’s total lifecycle’’. With this in mind, BIORESTORE will definitely appeal to those who cherish their clothes and want to wear them and last longer. With such simple elegance this award winning laundry Re-Tergent wonder fights the fast fashion and makes your wardrobe sustainable, new again and much longer lasting than ever before.
Is there anything left to say? Probably, just one thing: go open your wardrobe and pick your beloved piece of clothing that kept lying in the shadows waiting for better times. The time has finally come. And BIORESTORE will make sure your clothes will never come back to the “forgotten pile” ever again.
Interested in learning more info about the product? Take a look at how BIORESTORE can revive your wardrobe here